Media Advisory No. 4328.10 |
FNS Office of Communications
703-305-2281 |
USDA Highlights New Sesame Workshop Multimedia Outreach Initiative to Improve Child Nutrition
WASHINGTON-Dec. 6, 2010-Kevin Concannon, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services will join Sesame Workshop for their launch of a multimedia outreach initiative, “Food for Thought: Eating Well on a Budget.” Concannon will discuss the Obama Administration’s priorities for improving the health and nutrition of all Americans and the critical role USDA’s 15 nutrition assistance programs play in combating hunger.
Tuesday December 7, 2010
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Press arrival: 9:30am; Presentation: 10am; Photo and Interview Opp: 11am |
WHO: |
Kevin Concannon, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Lynn Brantley, President and CEO, Capital Area Food Bank
Gary E. Knell, President and CEO, Sesame Workshop
Russell C. Petrella, Ph.D., President United Healthcare Community & State
Richard T. Clark, Chairman & CEO, Merck
Art Smith, Celebrity Chef |
Remarks and a cooking demonstration by celebrity chef, Art Smith. |
Capital Area Food Bank
645 Taylor Street, NE
Washington, D.C. |
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