Media Advisory No. PENDING |
USDA Office of Communications
(202) 720-4623
White House to Host Conference Call to Discuss Claims Settlement Act of 2010
Secretary Vilsack, Senior Officials from Interior and Justice Departments to Outline Final Steps to Secure Funding for Pigford II, Cobell and Native American Water Rights Suits
WASHINGTON, November 24, 2010 – On Monday, November 29, 2010, at 3:30 PM EST, the White House will host an on-the-record conference call with reporters to discuss the next steps in securing final passage of the Claims Settlement Act of 2010. That Act, which recently passed the Senate, would provide long-awaited funding for the agreements reached in the Pigford II lawsuit, brought by African American farmers, the Cobell lawsuit, brought by Native Americans over the management of Indian trust accounts and resources, and four separate water rights suits made by Native American tribes. The House passed similar legislation earlier this year and is expected to take up the Senate version of the legislation as early as next week.
On the call will be Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Deputy Secretary of the Interior David J. Hayes and Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli.
White House to Host Conference Call to Discuss Claims Settlement Act of |
WHO: |
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack
Deputy Secretary of the Interior David J. Hayes
Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli |
Monday, November 29, 2010, at 3:30 PM EST |
Reporters whowish to participate should RSVP with their name, outlet and e-mail to media_affairs@xxxxxxxxxxx no later than Monday, November 29, at 11 AM Eastern. A final confirmation e-mail with a dial-in number will be provided on the day of the call. |
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