Release No. PENDING |
USDA Office of Communications
(202) 720-4623
Statement from Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on EPA Guidance on Energy from Biomass Which Can Help Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
WASHINGTON, November 10, 2010- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack today issued the following statement regarding the EPA greenhouse gas tailoring rule:
"EPA’s release today of guidance to the states on greenhouse gas permitting takes a meaningful step forward in recognizing the potential role that energy from biomass can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Under the guidance, EPA signals that states may be able to consider the use of biomass energy as a 'best available control technology for GHG.' Further, EPA notes that, in early January, it will provide further guidance to states regarding biomass and will determine this spring whether additional rulemaking related to biomass energy is necessary.
"Energy produced from wood, switchgrass or other agricultural products can both benefit rural economies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
"Markets for woody biomass could also prove to be vitally important in allowing the US Forest Service and others to restore forests to mitigate the impacts of the bark beetle epidemic in the West and to reduce the potential for catastrophic fire in our forests.
"EPA’s step today acknowledges both the potential role of biomass in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the need to ensure that energy policy properly accounts for both the sequestration and emissions associated with bioenergy. USDA will continue to work with EPA to ensure that the greenhouse gas benefits of biomass energy are properly accounted for under this Administration’s energy and climate policies."
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