Media Advisory No. 4143.10 |
USDA Office of Communications
(202) 720-4623
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Hold National Media Conference Call Highlighting Current and Future Renewable Energy Strategies
WASHINGTON, June 22, 2010 – Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will host a national media conference call to discuss a new USDA report highlighting the current state of the renewable transportation fuel industry and its future infrastructure needs and plans to increase biofuel production and biofuels consumption to meet the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2).
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
1:45 p.m. EDT |
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will highlight a USDA report on the current state of renewable energy efforts in America and strategies to increase biofuel usage. |
USDA (Given Verbally)
Trouble number – 202-720-8560
All callers using the above pass code will be placed in listen only mode. To join the Q&A portion of the meeting, these callers are instructed to press *1 on their touch tone phone. |
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