Media Advisory No. 4139.10 |
Leo Kay
(202) 205-1470
Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture Highlight Readiness For 2010 Wildfire Season
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2010 – Today, June 17, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will join USDA Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell, National Association of State Foresters (NASF) President Steve Koehn, International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) First Vice President Jack Parrow, and National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) meteorologist Rick Ochoa for a briefing and press availability on readiness for the 2010 wildfire season. The Secretaries will describe the growing challenges of wildfire and federal readiness to respond to wildfire with partners across jurisdictions.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
1 p.m.-2 p.m. EDT |
WHO: |
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar
Forest Chief Tom Tidwell
NASF President Steve Koehn
IAFC First Vice President Jack Parrow
NIFC meteorologist Rick Ochoa |
Press Briefing |
Rm 107 A
USDA Whitten Building
1400 Independence Ave., S.W. (Jefferson Drive entrance)
Washington, DC |
A dial-in will be available for those unable to attend. Please note that callers will be placed into listen only mode.
Audio Bridge Numbers: 800-857-5233
PASSCODE: USDA (given verbally)
Trouble Number: 202-720-8560
Please contact the USDA Forest Service Press Office, 202-205-1134.
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