For Full Story: Http:// Release No. 0426.05 Ed Loyd (202) 720-4623 Mary Cressel (202) 690-0547 USDA Awards $12.6 Million For Biomass Research And Development WASHINGTON, Oct. 6, 2005-Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today announced that 11 biomass research, development and demonstration projects were selected to receive $12.6 million for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative, a joint effort of USDA and the Department of Energy (DOE). The total value of the projects is nearly $19 million, including cost sharing of the private-sector partners. "This cooperative conservation partnership benefits our nation with enhanced energy security, a cleaner environment and revitalized rural economies," said Johanns. "The selected projects support President Bush's goal to enhance renewable energy supplies. The grants will help to develop additional renewable energy resources and expand markets for agricultural products." The Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 and the 2002 Farm Bill set the framework for interagency cooperation and joint solicitations. USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service and DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy coordinated efforts to issue a joint solicitation that is awarding these funds. More than 670 applications, divided into four unique technical topic areas, were submitted in response to the solicitation. The selection process involved multiple reviewers from each agency. Following is a list of the 11 selected projects and the amount funded. Additional information on each project can be found at Information on energy and agriculture is on the Web at 2005 projects: University of Idaho (Moscow, Idaho) - Increasing the Potential for the Utilization of Cellulose from Straw for Biofuel and Bioproduct Production - $693,285 The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. (Ardmore, Okla.) - Development of Low-Lignin Switchgrass for Improved Ethanol Production - $670,166 The Tampa Bay Area Ethanol Consortium (Florida) - Implementation of a Scale-Up Pilot Plant Demonstration Facility toward the Commercialization of Florida Biomass Feedstocks for Ethanol Production - $1,920,000 University of Montana, College of Technology (Missoula, Mont.) - Biopower Demonstration and Educational Outreach - $990,500 North Carolina State University, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Raleigh, N.C.) - Conversion of BioDiesel Derived Glycerol to Glycidol, Glycerol Carbonate and C-3 Oxygenates by Catalytic and Biocatalytic Pathways - $1,606, 265 Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa) - Environmental Enhancement through Corn Stover Utilization - $1,853,996 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, Tenn.) - Carbon Fiber from Biomass Lignins - $1,083,770 Clarkson University - (Potsdam, N.Y.) - Environmental and Economic Performance of an Integrated, Digester-Cogeneration-Value-Added Process - $805,938 University of Minnesota, Morris (Morris, Minn.) - Biomass Gasification: A Comprehensive Demonstration of a Community-Scale Biomass Energy System - $1,896,493 University of Florida (Gainesville, Fla.) - Bioenergy: Optimum Incentives and Sustainability of Non-Industrial Private Forests in the U.S. South - $656,525 Environmental Resources Trust (Washington, D.C.) - Incentives for Biomass Commercialization: Pioneering Markets for Biomass Using Renewable Energy Certificates, Emission Reduction Credits and Incentive Programs for Ammonia, PM10 and PM2.5 Reductions - $449,993 # USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to webservices@xxxxxxxx and reference your email address.