Click to View: Release No. 0270.05 Contact: Terri Teuber (202) 720-4623 Steven Cohen (202) 720-9113 CHILE OPENS BORDERS TO U.S. BEEF DAKAR, Senegal, July 19, 2005-Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today announced that Chile is lifting its ban on U.S. beef and beef products from animals less than 30 months of age. "I applaud the Chilean government for making trade decisions based on internationally accepted scientific standards," said Johanns. "This is one more step toward normalized international trade in beef. USDA is working hard to normalize trade with all of our beef trading partners, both exporting and importing, based on scientifically-sound, internationally-recognized standards which protect both human and animal health." In 2003, the United States exported $5.3 million worth of beef and beef products to Chile. Chile imposed a ban on U.S. beef and beef products on Dec. 24, 2003. # USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to and reference your email address.