Full story link: http://www.usda.gov/2004/12/0519.xml Release No. 0519.04 Statement by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Regarding the U.S. Ocean Action Plan Dec. 17, 2004 "The U.S. Ocean Action Plan released today will help achieve cleaner and healthier ocean ecosystems. "Ongoing conservation efforts by farmers and ranchers have helped to improve water quality and reduce pollution, and USDA conservation programs provide incentives to increase this stewardship. The 2002 Farm Bill provides $40 billion over the next 10 years to farmers and ranchers who implement land conservation practices, especially in areas that are critical to reducing runoff of sediments and nutrients which ultimately impact our Nation's aquatic and marine environments. "As the President directed, we will work closely with all levels of government and the private sector to advance the next generation of ocean policy." A copy of the U.S. Ocean Action Plan can be found on the Interagency Ocean Policy Group Web Site at http://ocean.ceq.gov/. # USDA News oc.news@xxxxxxxx 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to oc.news@xxxxxxxx and reference your email address.