Release No. 0429.04 Julie Quick (202) 720-4623 Mary Cressel (202) 690-0547 USDA RELEASES $2.1 MILLION TO RESTORE AND PROTECT WETLANDS IN 12 STATES WASHINGTON, Oct.05, 2004-Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced the availability of $2.1 million in Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) technical assistance funds for technical service providers and other third parties to conduct restoration activities on WRP lands in 12 states. "These resources will help expedite wetland restoration and enhancement activities and advance President Bush's wetlands initiative to restore, improve and protect at least 3 million acres of wetlands," Veneman said. These funds will accelerate restoration of between 30,000 and 40,000 acres of wetlands. The use of third parties such as technical service providers, state governments and environmental groups expands the capability of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service to restore acres enrolled in WRP projects. WRP is a voluntary conservation program that offers landowners the opportunity to protect, restore and enhance wetlands on their property. The goal of the program is to achieve the greatest wetland functions and values and create optimum wildlife habitat on every acre enrolled in the program. States receiving the WRP technical assistance funds are: State WRP Funds forTechnical Assistance California $300,000 Indiana $165,000 Iowa $100,000 Louisiana $300,000 Massachusetts $25,000 Michigan $35,000 Minnesota $300,000 Missouri $200,000 North Dakota $75,000 Oklahoma $200,000 Washington $200,000 Wisconsin $200,000 TOTAL $2,100,000 Additional information on WRP is available at # USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to and reference your email address.
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