Please click the link: Release No. 0357.04 Ed Loyd (202) 720-4623 Stevin Westcott (202) 720-4178 VENEMAN REMINDS PRODUCERS OF FSA COUNTY COMMITTEE NOMINATION DEADLINE WASHINGTON, Aug. 25, 2004 -- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today reminded America's farmers, ranchers and other agricultural producers that the deadline for nominating candidates to serve on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) County Committees is Sept. 3, 2004. "County Committees help deliver FSA farm programs to local farmers and ranchers," said Veneman. "To ensure that committees represent the interests of all producers in a community, eligible producers should participate in the county committee election process." Committees make decisions on county commodity price-support loan eligibility, establishment of allotments and yields, conservation programs, disaster programs, employment and other farm program-related issues. Individuals may nominate themselves or others as a candidate. In addition, eligible candidates can be nominated by community-based or other organizations in the county or area before the close of the nomination period, especially groups representing socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. Nominations and elections are open to all eligible candidates and voters without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or disability. Nomination forms (FSA-669A) can be obtained from local FSA offices or USDA Service Centers or online at Details on FSA COC elections can be found on the Internet at: County Committee ballots will be mailed to producers Nov. 8, 2004. Dec. 6, 2004, will be the last date for ballots to be postmarked or delivered to USDA Service Centers. Veneman also said that producers have until Sept. 16, 2004, to submit comments on the proposed reforms to the FSA's County Committee elections. Published in the Federal Register on Aug. 17, 2004, the guidelines are designed to ensure that FSA County Committees fairly represent agricultural producers, especially minorities and women. The guidelines will not become final until USDA has received and considered public comments. # Note: The Farm Service Agency's (FSA) news releases and media advisories are available at USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to and reference your email address.