Please click link: Release No. 0347.04 Alisa Harrison (202) 720-4623 Tim McNeilly (202) 690-0498 USDA ANNOUNCES $9.5 MILLION BROADBAND LOAN TO EXPAND ACCESS TO BROADBAND TECHNOLOGY IN RURAL OREGON BEND, Ore., August 19, 2004- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today announced the approval of Rural Development broadband loans totaling $9.506 million for the North-State Telephone Company, located in Mt. Vernon, Oregon. The funds will allow for the expansion of broadband access to high-speed Internet as part of the Bush Administration's effort to expand universal access to broadband technology by the year 2007. "Today, rural America can have access to better health and educational services and compete globally due to the expansion of access to universal broadband technologies," said Veneman, who was visiting Bend today to discuss forest issues. "This investment of funding will allow the expansion of information technology to help enhance economic competitiveness for rural residents and businesses." The loans announced will be used to provide for new and improved service to North-State Telephone company subscribers, connect 29 new subscribers, and deploy one mile of fiber and copper cable. Funding will be contingent upon meeting the conditions of the loan agreements. USDA provides a number of other important tools to advance broadband service in rural America, including the Distance Learning and Telemedicine grant program which provides advance technologies for educational and health care needs. Since the beginning of the Bush Administration, over $2 billion in telecommunication funding has provided over one million rural homes and businesses with access to high speed broadband connections. To learn more about available funding through USDA's broadband program, visit or contact USDA Rural Development broadband staff at (202) 720-9554. USDA Rural Development's mission is to deliver programs in a way that will support increasing economic opportunity and improve the quality of life of rural residents. As a venture capital entity, Rural Development provides equity and technical assistance to finance and foster growth in homeownership, business development, and critical community and technology infrastructure. Further information on rural programs is available at a local USDA Rural Development office or by visiting USDA's web site at # USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to and reference your email address.