Hi Thomas,
2011/3/8 Thomas Mayer<thomas.mayer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
according to the cpu datasheet the bootloader has to store at offset
0x400 (1KByte).
I tried to dd barebox that way but it didn't work (command: "dd
if=barebox.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=2&& sync&& sync").
I also tried to use the prebuild freescale redboot binary with mmc
support and this works.
Have you any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Is it possible that a mmc binary need a special flash header to work
check arch/arm/boards/eukrea_cpuimx35/flash_header.c
it works fine on our i.MX35 baord but I had to hack CPUIMX35_FLASH_HEADER_BASE
to get it working.
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