I love trn. I've used it I don't know how long, more than ten years for sure (14 if I can count rn). But I'm starting to see the advantages of multiple windows and nonmodal interfaces. I still stick to mutt for its superior threading, its efficent use of the screen, and its powerful keyboard commands. Likewise I still stick to trn for its superior threading, its incredibly efficient use of the display and threaded working, and its powerful keyboard commands. But anyone tried a ktrn or an xrtn ? I've tried trn-tk, it's a good idea but not integrated at all with my desktop, and still only one of each window. If I had trn that could support multiple instances of each item (articles and all the various selectors), especially if it had sensible control over them all, I'd be in heaven. Unfortunately I don't have the time to do this, paying work and running Debian Stable + Unstable together kind of preclude my learning KDE programming :) But if anyone feels inspired, I'd love to collaborate with someone who already had the basic skills. Please, does anyone feel the same ? It sounds like it oughtn't to be too hard, trn already has threads with manuallly programmed multitasking. Nick ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by Sleepycat Software Learn developer strategies Cisco, Motorola, Ericsson & Lucent use to deliver higher performing products faster, at low TCO. http://www.sleepycat.com/telcomwpreg.php?From=osdnemail3