Mike Bird via tde-users wrote: > If you did not purge the previous kernel you should be able to boot > from that, purge the packages of the failed upgrade, and try again. > It may have run out of space or encountered some other problem. > > Alternatively you could try re-installing the new version on top > of itself. It's going to be something like the following but check > carefully before removing the --dry-run. > > apt install --reinstall --dry-run $(dpkg -l | awk '{print $2}' | > grep '\(linux.*6.1.0-32\|nvidia-tesla-470\)') On top of this a friend complained few days ago that NVidea released a broken driver (again) and he was rolling back to previous kernel on SuSE TumbleWeed or something like this ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web mail archive available at https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx