On 3/13/25 1:24 PM, Dan Youngquist via tde-users wrote:
On 3/13/25 10:48 AM, Darrell Anderson via tde-users wrote:
Does the TDE Classic menu support Favorites like the Kickoff menu?
You mean something different than the Most Used Applications section at the top?
The Quick Start options of 'Most recently|frequently used' don't quite
fit the bill. I can see how there would be overlap for many users, but I
envision not using a Favorite for a day or two and then those menu items
would bubble out of either Quick Start list. The TDE Quick Start options
are dynamic.
The idea of a Favorites widget is static. The idea is from KDE. I had
not realized how much I grew acclimated to this KDE feature.
Looks like the data is stored in kickerrc [menus]. There is a Favorites=
key. I presume that key list is for the kickoff menu.
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