On Sunday 02 March 2025 13:37:09 Thierry de Coulon via tde-users wrote: > On Sunday 02 March 2025 22:06:22 blu.256 via tde-users wrote: > > Hello all, > > > > I haven't followed the whole thread but on the topic of MS Teams I > > remember there is also a Pidgin (libpurple) protocol plugin that supports > > it, otherwise one can use the official online client from the browser > > without problem. > > > > -- > > Philippe MAVRIDIS > > Depending what you want to / have to do with Teams, fi you're using a > Debian based distribution, Microsofts "Teams Preview" still woks (at least > as far as Debian 11) and had a *.deb package (no more online, but I stll > have it). > > Thierry Sorry to crash this party ... but if there were ever an off-topic topic that I might want to crash, this off-topic topic would be it. (Just had to put that bit in, as this is one of our wilder and weirder threads.) Okay, so I don't actually use Skype, and my experiments with voice calls are so far limited to Linphone, and not much of that. I don't need much. (Linphone seems to work pretty well, but I haven't done much more than to install it on my home computers, as well as my phone.) As far as I know, Linphone also supports video calls; I don't think it can make calls to other clients such as Skype. It can make calls to landlines, cellular phones, etc., but only buy purchasing a special account. I do use Psi-Plus, however, which so far I have liked better than any other xmpp/jabber or other chat client, ever; better than Kopete, Pidgin, and a few others that I've tried. When I read that another person recommended using Skype via Pidgin, it occured to me that Psi-Plus (or Psi+) probably supports Skype, or at least audio and video calls; and sure enough, it does. https://appmus.com/vs/psi--vs-skype https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psi_%28instant_messaging_client%29 As for how, and how well it does it, I don't know. I used to chat online a lot, but these days I rarely come out from under my rock, except for food and books, and even my online activity is almost reduced to the Trinity mailing list. So I haven't explored the possibilities here. I am only saying that I am very impressed with Psi-Plus, and have only explored a little of its capabilities, but it seems much farther advanced than similar applications. If anybody would like to try it out with me, just for testing purposes, or because they are bored, I have several xmpp/jabber IDs, but no longer much reason to use chat. Bill ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web mail archive available at https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx