Re: skype only with SNAP (off-topic)

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said Gianluca Interlandi via tde-users:

| I understand this may be off-topic. I was trying to update skype on my
| openSUSE Leap 15.4 installation (I know this is no longer officially
| supported), but I discovered that skype is no longer provided as RPM,
| but only as SNAP.

This is a sadly growing practice. Sunday, seeking to get access to the 
G'MIC filters in the GIMP I discovered that there are no plugins available 
yet for the GIMP 3.0-rc3. So I was limited (though it's not a real 
limitation, because Krita is very good) to Krita, which now has G'MIC 
built in. But going to the Krita site I found that the only compiled 
version for Linux is an appimage. At least it was that and not some Ubuntu 
scam. Sorry that this isn't true of Skype, but Skype has always been a 
little hinky.


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