Hi thanks for this detailed answer > For the time being (till R14.1.0 is out - possibly end of 2020) you have the following choices: > 1) you can mute/unmute from the KMix slider LED, this should work fine with PA already This works but it is inconvenient since you have to fiddle with controls > 2) you can open KMix mixer windod -> Settings -> Configure global shortcuts and remap the "toggle mute" keyboard > shortcut to some other key combination. Do not use "XF86AudioMute" key, since this is normally used by KMilo and > therefore may not work Thanks for this but: it does *not work*. I just bound it to Win+F1 for testing: this «Toogle mute» only switches the master but not the speaker, so it does the same as does Fn-F1 > 3) you can create a script that calls "dcop kmix Mixer-1 toggleMasterMute", this will mute/unmute the PA master > channel. You can add an input action tied to a keyboard shortcut to call this easy. The script works, nicely > 4) if you are on debian-like distro, you could switch to Slavek's PTB packages and get the latest R14.1.0-dev packages > at regular intervals. This will bring you the complete fix in a few days does that mean Ubuntu included? Would you mind telling me the ppa? Thanks again Uwe PS I signed this message, since you did the same, some people do complain, though
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