Re: Re: Re: sudo

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On 19/04/2020 10:25, deloptes wrote:
Michael Howard via trinity-users wrote:

I have no problem with option 1, just need to know the best order and
what to install for a basic system. I could of course just plod through
but if somebody has the info, great.

Don't like option two as there are shed loads of packages that get
installed by default.

Third option would work but still get sudo variants like sudo-ldap,
sudo-trinity ....... so a no go.

So, as previously said, if somebody can point me at the order/list of
packages to install?

Oh for the good old days. Actually, they're not that old cos I've never
had this issue in the past and it ain't that long since I did a fresh
install of TDE.

Seems that this commit added the sudo dependency

commit 598dd003cf7926d87db817e29df47cbf195f936b
Author: Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Feb 21 00:08:21 2019 -0600

     Add sudo to dependencies for LDAP bonding / controller packages

A year ago. Time flys.

I know practically nothing about git but doesn't that commit only apply to kcontrol-ldap-*-trinity packages? Anyway, I need to just get to the labourious task of individually installing packages, or not, as the case may be, afterall, I don't acually need to have TDE.
Michael Howard

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