On 10/11/2018 21:26, Dave Lers wrote:
Michael Howard wrote:
On 10/11/2018 15:53, Dave Lers wrote:
Baron wrote:
Hi Guys,
Logging in as root in a terminal works, I can now get and put
individual files, to and from each machine, which is great because
means I did something right. However it means that any file I
I haven't read this thread, but don't you want sftp:// and shouldn't
root ssh login be disabled?
I cannot imagine why anyone would want to use a terminal/ssh to move
I can't think of a quicker simpler way for moving files in certain
situations. scp of course, not ssh, but that's pedantic.
(unless its something like an rsync script). OP appears to be
trying to move files using a browser (maybe I snipped too much).
But then it's not a terminal session?
Konqueror supports sftp://(user@)IP/host (ssh ftp, packaged with ssh)
addresses which makes it really easy to move files to/from other
machines. Using the already suggested key pairs it's just like working
with files on the local system.
I thought remote root logins were disabled by default
Over zealous, cotton wool bearing, self appointed guardians of the OS :)
, it's a standard
security precaution (since I cannot $ su w/ sftp, I enable/limit root
logins to key pairs on my remote server).
So even you permit root login. Hang on ....
...I see that sshfs and using it in Konqueror via fish:// have been
mentioned. I've never used them and see no point when Konqueror and
sftp are already available.
The mind boggles.
Mike Howard
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