On 06/19/2018 04:58 PM, William Morder wrote:
On Tuesday 19 June 2018 16:00:39 dep wrote:
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 6:55 PM, William Morder <doctor_contendo@xxxxxxxx>
Cheers, 3 bags of Seattle's Best here, to keep me adequately caffeinated
for about three weeks.
ah -- you got the 10-pound bags.
No, three 12 oz bags. I keep my addiction under control. 2-3 cups at most,
otherwise I get sick; but none at all, and I also don't feel so good. When I
was younger, I could drink endless cups of coffee, just like I could drink
endless pints of Guinness.
sometime, if you get a chance, get peet's major dickason blend. it's part
brown coffee and part good, oily black coffee. exquisite.
Black coffee and now Guinness, I only drink on St. Patty's day, but my
point is, I think we have more in common.
Jimmy Johnson
Devuan Jessie - TDE Trinity R14.0.4 - AMD A8-7600 - EXT4 at sda2
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