On 05/06/2018 11:13 AM, trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the trinity-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailing list. I'm working for my owner, who can be reached at trinity-users-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I haven't checked whether your address is currently on the mailing list. To see what address you used to subscribe, look at the messages you are receiving from the mailing list. Each message has your address hidden inside its return path; for example, mary@xxxxxxxxxxx receives messages with return path: <trinity-users-return-<number>-mary=example.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Some mail programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses. If you cannot reply to this request, instead send a message to <trinity-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> and put the entire address listed above into the "Subject:" line. or for the digest to: <trinity-users-digest-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> For addition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation message to that address. When you receive it, simply reply to it to complete the transaction. If you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list, please send a message to: <trinity-users-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact to make it easier to help you. --- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received. Return-Path: <DegVE@xxxxxxxxx> Received: (qmail 15792 invoked by uid 64014); 6 May 2018 03:13:47 -0500 Received: from localhost (localhost []) by mail.rptsys.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D5A8D6475B3 for <trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Sun, 6 May 2018 03:13:46 -0500 (CDT) X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at rptsys.com X-Spam-Flag: NO X-Spam-Score: 1.419 X-Spam-Level: * X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.419 tagged_above=-10 required=6.6 tests=[BAYES_00=-1.9, DKIM_SIGNED=0.1, DKIM_VALID=-0.1, DKIM_VALID_AU=-0.1, EMPTY_MESSAGE=2.32, FREEMAIL_FROM=0.001, MISSING_SUBJECT=1.799, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW=-0.7, SPF_PASS=-0.001] autolearn=no autolearn_force=no Authentication-Results: vali.starlink.edu (amavisd-new); dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.d=yandex.ru header.b=O462fTFT; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.d=yandex.ru header.b=ARPW6hp0 Received: from mail.rptsys.com ([]) by localhost (vali.starlink.edu []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id csxuEbp8l81u for <trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Sun, 6 May 2018 03:13:44 -0500 (CDT) Received: from forward102j.mail.yandex.net (forward102j.mail.yandex.net []) by mail.rptsys.com (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B67E16473C0 for <trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Sun, 6 May 2018 03:13:21 -0500 (CDT) Received: from mxback18j.mail.yandex.net (mxback18j.mail.yandex.net [IPv6:2a02:6b8:0:1619::94]) by forward102j.mail.yandex.net (Yandex) with ESMTP id AE37E5601EE7 for <trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Sun, 6 May 2018 11:13:16 +0300 (MSK) Received: from smtp2p.mail.yandex.net (smtp2p.mail.yandex.net [2a02:6b8:0:1472:2741:0:8b6:7]) by mxback18j.mail.yandex.net (nwsmtp/Yandex) with ESMTP id vJCIjzCFIX-DGDqPHIj; Sun, 06 May 2018 11:13:16 +0300 DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yandex.ru; s=mail; t=1525594396; bh=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=; h=To:From:Message-ID:Date; b=O462fTFTgGgwoPTT9S/0CtQXr7qi8lZMuHmuvWZyTkCPeQXWEnBg0xjqRh9s5HGla 7vKcpqIxfeoAjqmrjSskiwYB4Hce/rl/BRZVsnbJ+Wg3m9lpn0dXargvXT7ZPBbO7c YhzJK7xzo3KUvisglQBUTRJnlx8br8AzJcy+9I6k= Received: by smtp2p.mail.yandex.net (nwsmtp/Yandex) with ESMTPSA id Pa3mdLU1sl-Cq2OL29Z; Sun, 06 May 2018 11:12:52 +0300 (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client certificate not present) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yandex.ru; s=mail; t=1525594372; bh=47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=; h=To:From:Message-ID:Date; b=ARPW6hp0D1ny7rO+ptoarE08bRunVuLMavxSi6IArhzLOCq6Z8MFI2muC7hWBezbo 1Vv3c8lJIX8OwyjSy7FHVxu+zy7ugutAaitykWvZJEoyub64zLp8TQsasnYX5d//ja D+2QdO5KnDXOI+VFPMm6wkbS+W9sbgKyn3oD4Yzc= Authentication-Results: smtp2p.mail.yandex.net; dkim=pass header.i=@yandex.ru To: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: =?UTF-8?B?0JLQu9Cw0LTQuNC80LjRgCDQlNC10LPRgtGP0YDRkdCy?= <DegVE@xxxxxxxxx> Message-ID: <c1c3cbdc-6b29-64c8-26e5-9130ea775ffa@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 6 May 2018 11:12:51 +0300 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.6.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Language: en-US
--------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting