> TDE is using dbus in very limited fashion, so my bet is, that it is not relevant to the input > methods at all, while ibus seems to be using dbus extensively. it might be > that GTK or KDE4 by having dbus integrated, may work also with ibus My understanding so far was that this is toolkit-dependent (GTK2/GTK3/Qt3/Qt4) and independent of DBus. In other words, there needs to be a library that would provide Qt3 support for IBus. Thanks for replies everyone. I take it that the problem cant be solved without writing a library for this. Janek --- Politechnika Łódzka Lodz University of Technology Treść tej wiadomości zawiera informacje przeznaczone tylko dla adresata. Jeżeli nie jesteście Państwo jej adresatem, bądź otrzymaliście ją przez pomyłkę prosimy o powiadomienie o tym nadawcy oraz trwałe jej usunięcie. This email contains information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or if you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting