On Monday 19 February 2018 11:46:42 Dan Youngquist wrote: > On 02/19/2018 09:06 AM, William Morder wrote: > > Now that I've got Debian under control (except for systemd), I think > > > maybe I'm ready to go for Devuan. So if you can offer any advice > about > > making the switch, I would be most grateful. > > I've installed the XFCE version of Good Life Linux (Devuan based) a couple > times, then TDE, and it went without a hitch. > > I don't really understand why TDE has been so much trouble for you to get > working right. I usually install the XFCE version of the distro I want, > then install TDE, and it's good to go after a little minor tweaking here & > there. TDE is not much trouble at all for me now; but it was a long time getting to here. I think maybe it's because I do a lot of different kinds of work, and use maybe more different kinds of software than other users. (My root partition is currently 16 gb, and according to kdiskfree I have only 741 mb of free space; on installations of 'buntu or Debian distros (since about 2012 or so) I generally reserve 20-30 gb, until I figure out what goes well together. I use a lot of packages from KDE, Gnome, and third-party repositories; although I waited until I got my current system stable before I installed these, so they were not the problem. Once I get everything stable, then I usually customize my system quite a bit; and I also reduce the size of my root partition. For ten years I ran Kubuntu Hardy 8.04 on a separate partition, and it ran without a hitch. TDE looks almost the same, but changing over from one to the other was not exactly seamless. If I always had an extra computer for experimentation, and unlimited time to explore the wonders of Linux, and no pressing deadlines or commitments, or a life outside my computer, then I would probably have sorted out these issues long ago. Also, I used to have an entire room of my home filled with nothing but computers and computer parts, with five or six computers always up and running, most of them connected to the network and on the Internet. But now I have been trying to do the same work using only one computer; and now, with a spare laptop, with two computers. At present, I have no complaints. I always assume that it is my responsibility to improve my own computer skills; but everybody geeks for fun. Now that I've got my Debian system running pretty much like my old KDE3, I am starting to question and analyze what were the obstacles to an easier transition. My crazy idea is that if talk about some of these issues, we might come up with some solutions that work for relative n00bs (who know even less than myself), and which will ensure the long life of the TDE project. And by the way, not everybody "out there" takes a favorable view of TDE; for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/11gf0d/the_problem_with_trinity_desktop_environment/ (with lots of snarky comments) and more here: https://www.reddit.com/search?q=Trinity+desktop&restrict_sr=&sort=relevance&t=all I want to see TDE survive and improve. If not for TDE, my inclination would be to move to a cave up in the mountains, then build my own operating system and desktop using stone tools. I don't think it's the fault of the devs, etc.; I think it has more to do with the internal politics of the Linux communities. But that's another thread. But I think maybe the way forward is to get TDE into the regular repositories, rather than to sit at the children's table. Bill --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting