Oleg Levenets wrote: > Hi, is anyone using Trinity for Slackware? On my Slackware 14.2, > kdesktop is not always loaded, the error seems to be related to tqt3 > and the use of utf-8 encoding in the system. This happens when using > the smp-kernel, there is no error on the usual kernel. Unfortunately > I'm not a programmer and I do not know what can be done. I attached a > log, maybe it will help to understand what might be the matter. > > https://paste.ee/p/mjK6J > > best regards, Oleg Levenets. I can't help much, I guess you use 14.0 and here is what I found as it happened that I had tdebase open. When you say "kdesktop is not always loaded" - does it mean that it loads sometimes? Under which condition? In my opinion this is a problem with initializing / reading configuration whatever. But this was changed in master, so might be a newer version would mitigate it. https://git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/tdebase/tree/kdesktop/main.cc?h=r14.0.x https://git.trinitydesktop.org/cgit/tdebase/tree/kdesktop/lockeng.cc?h=r14.0.x Code says kdesktop/main.cc:267 261 KDesktopSettings::instance(kdesktop_name + "rc"); bool x_root_hack = args->isSet("x-root"); bool wait_for_kded = args->isSet("waitforkded"); // This MUST be created before any widgets are created 267 SaverEngine saver; and 139 configure(); 394 // create a new config obj to ensure we read the latest options 395 KDesktopSettings::self()->readConfig(); --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting