2016-10-13 11:28 GMT+02:00 Michael . <keltoiboy@xxxxxxxxx>: > Thanks Nicolas and Gene > @ Nicolas, I looked for it in Synaptic before I posted my initial request 5 > days ago. I am using Debian Stretch with Slavek's repository and it doesn't > appear to be in it. The link you posted certainly says adept but the only > adept on my system is adept-common and it is the etch version. OK, i don't use Slavek's repository. Maybe Slavek could reply to you and build the package for the preleminary builds. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: trinity-users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: trinity-users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Read list messages on the web archive: http://trinity-users.pearsoncomputing.net/ Please remember not to top-post: http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/mailing_lists/#top-posting