Hello, I'm trying to reproduce the problem you reported on Fedora 33 Dne 01. 03. 21 v 16:38 Forza napsal(a): > > Also, the "aio" attribute is different. Perhaps I set it manually in Fedora, but I cannot remember. It is not visible in /sys but is in the saveconfig.json. > Ubuntu: > "storage_objects": [ > { > "aio": false, > Fedora: > "storage_objects": [ > { > "aio": true, > > Does "aio" mean Async I/O in this case? I could not find any documentation for this attribute. Yes, it means "async I/O" but I don't understand why it's set to true. Looking at the rtslib/targetcli sources, aio by default is set to false and it's not even possible to change it via targetcli. You likely changed it manually in the saveconfig.json file. Btw, there is a possible race condition in kernel versions < v5.12-rc1 when async i/o is enabled: In the fd_execute_rw_aio() function, the bvec pointer is freed before the async command is completed, might be the reason behind the disk corruptions? This has been fixed with commit ecd7fba0ade1d6d8d49d320df9caf96922a376b2 Maurizio