On Mon, 2018-09-17 at 14:35 -0700, Bart Van Assche wrote: +AD4 Since the target core waits anyway until a target driver has +AD4 finished processing a command, remove similar waiting code from +AD4 the tcm+AF8-qla2xxx driver. With this change applied command abortion +AD4 works as follows: +AD4 +ACo tcm+AF8-qla2xxx receives an ABTS and calls target+AF8-submit+AF8-tmr(). +AD4 +ACo The target core calls core+AF8-tmr+AF8-abort+AF8-task(). That function +AD4 sets the CMD+AF8-T+AF8-ABORTED flag and next calls transport+AF8-wait+AF8-for+AF8-tasks(). +AD4 +ACo If CMD+AF8-T+AF8-ACTIVE is still set, +AF8AXw-transport+AF8-wait+AF8-for+AF8-tasks() sets +AD4 CMD+AF8-T+AF8-STOP and waits for t+AF8-transport+AF8-stop+AF8-comp. +AD4 +ACo When tcm+AF8-qla2xxx+AF8-handle+AF8-data+AF8-work() gets called, it either invokes +AD4 transport+AF8-generic+AF8-request+AF8-failure() or target+AF8-execute+AF8-cmd(). +AD4 +ACo Both functions start with calling +AF8AXw-transport+AF8-check+AF8-aborted+AF8-status() +AD4 and return 1 if CMD+AF8-T+AF8-ABORTED was set. Otherwise the command that +AD4 is being executed is completed and target+AF8-complete+AF8-cmd() completes +AD4 t+AF8-transport+AF8-stop+AF8-comp. +AD4 +ACo Once transport+AF8-wait+AF8-for+AF8-tasks() returns the target core considers +AD4 the TMF as finished. +AD4 +AD4 Signed-off-by: Bart Van Assche +ADw-bvanassche+AEA-acm.org+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Himanshu Madhani +ADw-himanshu.madhani+AEA-cavium.com+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Quinn Tran +ADw-quinn.tran+AEA-cavium.com+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Nicholas Bellinger +ADw-nab+AEA-linux-iscsi.org+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Mike Christie +ADw-mchristi+AEA-redhat.com+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Christoph Hellwig +ADw-hch+AEA-lst.de+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Hannes Reinecke +ADw-hare+AEA-suse.de+AD4 Hello Himanshu and Quinn, Can one of you review this patch? Thanks, Bart.