Hi all, I am trying out Linux SCSI Target and it seems that the way persistent reservations are handled does not conform with SPC-4. SPC4r17 (5.7.10) states that: The persistent reservation holder is determined by the type of the persistent reservation as follows: a) For a persistent reservation of the type Write Exclusive – All Registrants or Exclusive Access – All Registrants, the persistent reservation holder is any registered I_T nexus; While Table 51 states that: 'Write Exclusive – All Registrants' or 'Exclusive Access – All Registrants' reservations shall be released when the registration for the last registered I_T nexus is removed or when the type or scope is changed. This doesn't seem to be the case with Linux SCSI Target. More particularly, I have set up an iSCSI target, using the Linux SCSI Target implementation, and I am connecting to it through two different VMs using the open-iscsi project. root@node1:~# sg_inq /dev/sda standard INQUIRY: PQual=0 Device_type=0 RMB=0 version=0x05 [SPC-3] [AERC=0] [TrmTsk=0] NormACA=0 HiSUP=0 Resp_data_format=2 SCCS=1 ACC=0 TPGS=3 3PC=1 Protect=0 BQue=0 EncServ=0 MultiP=0 [MChngr=0] [ACKREQQ=0] Addr16=0 [RelAdr=0] WBus16=0 Sync=0 Linked=0 [TranDis=0] CmdQue=1 length=36 (0x24) Peripheral device type: disk Vendor identification: LIO-ORG Product identification: FILEIO Product revision level: 4.0 Unit serial number: 9efc01f5-429d-42be-b507-9dc4439f511d root@node2:~# sg_inq /dev/sda standard INQUIRY: PQual=0 Device_type=0 RMB=0 version=0x05 [SPC-3] [AERC=0] [TrmTsk=0] NormACA=0 HiSUP=0 Resp_data_format=2 SCCS=1 ACC=0 TPGS=3 3PC=1 Protect=0 BQue=0 EncServ=0 MultiP=0 [MChngr=0] [ACKREQQ=0] Addr16=0 [RelAdr=0] WBus16=0 Sync=0 Linked=0 [TranDis=0] CmdQue=1 length=36 (0x24) Peripheral device type: disk Vendor identification: LIO-ORG Product identification: FILEIO Product revision level: 4.0 Unit serial number: 9efc01f5-429d-42be-b507-9dc4439f511d I register both of the IT_nexuses with the target. root@node1:~# sg_persist --out --register --param-sark 0x1 /dev/sda root@node2:~# sg_persist --out --register --param-sark 0x2 /dev/sda root@node1:~# sg_persist --in --read-full-status /dev/sda LIO-ORG FILEIO 4.0 Peripheral device type: disk PR generation=0x2 Key=0x1 All target ports bit clear Relative port address: 0x1 not reservation holder Transport Id of initiator: iSCSI name and session id: iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:node1 Key=0x2 All target ports bit clear Relative port address: 0x1 not reservation holder Transport Id of initiator: iSCSI name and session id: iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:node2 Then I get a persistent reservation with type 'Exclusive Access - All Registrants' for node1. root@node1:~# sg_persist --out --reserve --prout-type=8 --param-rk=0x1 /dev/sda root@node1:~# sg_persist --in --read-full-status /dev/sda LIO-ORG FILEIO 4.0 Peripheral device type: disk PR generation=0x2 Key=0x1 All target ports bit clear Relative port address: 0x1 << Reservation holder >> scope: LU_SCOPE, type: Exclusive Access, all registrants Transport Id of initiator: iSCSI name and session id: iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:node1 Key=0x2 All target ports bit clear Relative port address: 0x1 not reservation holder Transport Id of initiator: iSCSI name and session id: iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:node2 The node2 is listed as "not reservation holder". Shouldn't node2 be displayed as a Reservation holder since the persistent reservation is of type 'Exclusive Access, all registrants'? If I then proceed to unregister node1, the reservation gets released altogether. Shouldn't the reservation remain, until the last registered I_T nexus goes away? I think this violates SPC-4, please see the excerpt above. root@node1:~# sg_persist --out --register --param-rk=0x1 --param-sark=0x0 /dev/sda root@node1:~# sg_persist --in --read-full-status /dev/sda LIO-ORG FILEIO 4.0 Peripheral device type: disk PR generation=0x2 Key=0x2 All target ports bit clear Relative port address: 0x1 not reservation holder Transport Id of initiator: iSCSI name and session id: iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:node2 root@node2:~# sg_persist --in --read-reservation /dev/sda LIO-ORG FILEIO 4.0 Peripheral device type: disk PR generation=0x2, there is NO reservation held Is this a bug or am I missing something? Ilias
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