Hi,RFC 3720 Clause 11.1.4 says that the iSCSI target is expected to send a Login reject when it receives the CHAP_C binary length value greater than 1024 bytes.
However ,i find that LIO is accepting the CHAP_C of bunary length exceeding 1024 bytes and sends a Login success which is an error. I am sending CHAP_C value of binary length 2064 hex digits which is greater than 1024 bytes.
please find the attachment for pcap. RFC 3720 Clause 11.1.4 ----------<snip>----------- C and R are large-binary-values and their binary length (not the length of the character string that represents them in encoded form) MUST not exceed 1024 bytes. ----------<snip>----------- Regards, Rahul Rane
Description: Binary data