.target dependency ordering

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I have two scenarios where I'm not quite sure whether I understand
things correctly.

1) I'd like to start a firewall service *before* networking is brought up.
My understanding was hat this would best be done in the
firewall.service unit by e.g.

network-online.target is After= network.target is After=, which is
After= network-pre.target, thus when the firewall is Before= that, it
should be secured that it runs first, right?

And to ensure that the firewall service is started at all, the RequiredBy.

But then, what does even start network-pre.target? It doesn't seem to
be Wanted= or Required= by e.g. network.target,

firewalld.service seems to use:
which causes network-pre.target to be started (if it's starte itself),
but feels a bit strange. I'd rather have expected that something (e.g.
NetworkManager) pulls in, network-online.target, that network.target
and that network-pre.target.

But in any case, the idea is that firewall services should run Before=
network-pre.target, right?

1a) Is it easy possible to prevent the network from being brought up
altogether, when the firewall service fails (e.g. because of a typo in
the rules)?

I'd have hope to get that done with the:
in the firewall service unit, but since e.g.:
NetworkManager.service only:
After=network-pre.target dbus.service
which doesn't even Want= (or Require= network-pre.target), neither
would network.target ... that probably doesn't work.

Same goes for systemd-networkd.service or Debian ifupdown's networking.service.
All "only" Want= network.target and have only After= network-pre.target.

I guess the simplest way to get that behaviour would be to add either:
- a foo.requires/firewall.service for foo being everything that brings
up the network
- or a RequiredBy=NetworkManager.service ...
in firewall.service
But the downside with that is, that one really needs to maintain the list.

2) Hibernation.
AFAIU, when I do systemctl hibernate, it will start hibernate.target
which is Requires=/After= systemd-hibernate.service, which causes the
actual hibernation.

That could mean - if the hibernation would work immediately - that
hibernate.target is only reached "after" the hibernation has happened,

But my main question here is: What would I need to do, if I want to
make sure that something happen only when I hibernate, but then
*before* that.

(The idea is, that I want to /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches to hibernate faster.)

My first naive assumption would have been that I need to do:
ExecStart=@sh %n:sh -c 'printf 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'
in my drop caches service.

But if hibernate.target is only reached **After=**
systemd-hibernate.service finishes this means that the latter could
still happen before my clean up, right?
So I really need to do Before= systemd-hibernate.service? Or can I do
this somehow with a dependency on hibernate.target?

I guess I kinda don't understand why hibernate.target after
systemd-hibernate.service ... doesn't that mean that one has already
resumed again?


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