Dear systemd developers, I have a release-critical bug filed against the fluidsynth package in Debian [1] that I don't quite understand. The bug is especially against the fluidsynth.service file (attached to this mail). To provide some background, fluidsynth is a MIDI daemon that can work with different sound backends, most notably pulseaudio and pipewire. Users report that the fluidsynth daemon is loaded before pulseaudio and thus blocks the audio device, so that pulseaudio can only work on "dummy output". Some users can reproduce this, others don't (including myself). My guess is that I am using pipewire instead of pulseaudio and so the correct order of the services is already granted by the "After=pipewire.service" line. My next best guess is that expanding the line to read "After=pipewire.service pulseaudio.service" will fix the issue for both groups of users (one of the participants of the bug also suggested this but got no replies). The next strange issue is that reportedly even the Debian-gdm system user already loads the fluidsynth daemon, blocking it during the opening of the session for the actual human user. My guess here is that the "" line should rather get replaced by something like ""? I really don't know, especially because I cannot reproduce the issue in the first place. Could you please do me a favour and review the fluidsynth.service file so I can recommend a fix for this to upstream? Thank you very much! - Fabian [1]
[Unit] Description=FluidSynth Daemon Documentation=man:fluidsynth(1) After=pipewire.service [Service] # added automatically, for details please see # ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=read-only ProtectHostname=true ProtectKernelTunables=true ProtectKernelModules=true ProtectKernelLogs=true ProtectControlGroups=true # end of automatic additions # required in order for the above sandboxing options to work on a user unit PrivateUsers=yes Type=notify NotifyAccess=main Environment=OTHER_OPTS= SOUND_FONT= EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/fluidsynth EnvironmentFile=-%h/.config/fluidsynth ExecStart=/usr/bin/fluidsynth -is $OTHER_OPTS $SOUND_FONT [Install]