Re: bluetooth keyboard support at boot, before cryptsetup?

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On So, 16.02.25 18:30, Alexis Hallebarde (hallebarde@xxxxxxx) wrote:

>    Hello,
>    I have the impression that everything for this support, is integrated but
>    that it is not active by default.
>    I want to talk about the bluetooth keyboard support at the very beginning
>    of the system boot, just before entering the cryptsetup password of our
>    hardrive.

This would require support for bluez to run in the initrd. This is not
an easy ask though, since at that point there is no D-Bus, and there
is no persistency. BT pairing generally requires some kind of storage

Bluez would have to learn special support for this, i.e. store such
pairings in an EFI variable or so.

But this is really not something we can add for you in systemd, it's
inherently something bluez has to figure out first, and which you then
need to convince the initrd maintainers to make use of.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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