I'm building a router for my home using Fedora server as the base. I have a ISP that provides me with a IPv4 and Ipv6 over PPPoE. The IPv6 is a /48. I have the IPv4 all working well. But the IPv6 configuration I cannot figure out. I have two interface named internal and external. In /etc/systemd/network/ppp0-if.network [Match] Name=ppp0 [Network] Description=external network Address=2001x:x::x::1 IPForward=ipv6 In /etc/systemd/network/internal-if.network [Match] Name=internal [Network] Description=internal network Address= IPForward=ipv6 DNS= IPv6SendRA=true DHCPPrefixDelegation=true In /etc/systemd/networkd.conf.d/10-forwarding.conf [Network] IPv4Forwarding=true With this config I see prefix delegation to clients but no forwarding. If I change 10-forwarding.conf to this: In /etc/systemd/networkd.conf.d/10-forwarding.conf [Network] IPv4Forwarding=true Ipv6Forwarding=true This sets net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1 but, prefix delegation is broken. If I remove Ipv6Forwarding=true and then set net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1 mnaually forwarding works. What is the correct way to turn on IPv6Forwarding and still have prefix delegation working? Barry