On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 08:28:28AM +0100, lejeczek wrote: > Hi gents > > I must have gone blind cause can't find it in man page and to my surprise > internet search does not help or my quering is broken. > 'systemctl' can show status for specific NM connection - what was that? - > and can 'journalctl' do the same? (or was it the opposite way?) There's no such integration, although there are some options: - `nmcli`, and `nmcli c` in particualar, native NM tool to manage connections - `networkctl` can show information about interface, including the ones managed by NM - NM put some additional fields in journal, you can filter on them with for example `journalctl NM_DEVICE=wlp61s0`; to see more fields use something like: `journalctl -u NetworkManager -o export | grep ^NM_` - some distribution (Arch?) have a generator creating a instance unit for each interface, but I do not know specifics -- Tomasz Torcz RIP is irrevelant. Spoofing is futile. tomek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your routes will be aggreggated. -- Alex Yuriev