This service sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't.
Does the service die if one of the commands throws an error?
Or does the system shutdown before the script is done?
I don't know what's going on and I have tried so many things.
Description = move the files on reboot or shutdown
RequiresMountsFor = / /location
Before = multi-user.target
Type = oneshot
RemainAfterExit = true
ExecStart = /bin/true
ExecStop = /bin/bash /scripts/MoveFilesAndStuff.sh
StandardOutput = file:/location/movestufflog.log
StandardError = file:/location/movestufflog.log
WantedBy = multi-user.target halt.target shutdown.target reboot.target
export DISPLAY=:0.0
#exec >/ location/scripttestlog.txt 2>&1
\cp -rpf /var /location
\cp -rpf /etc /location
\cp -rpf /run /location
\cp -rpf /root /location
mv /location/defaultnetcron.xml /location/defaultnet.xml
mv /location/vdsmnetcron.xml /location/vdsmnet.xml
{shutdown a vm command}
Description = move the files on reboot or shutdown
RequiresMountsFor = / /location
Before = multi-user.target
Type = oneshot
RemainAfterExit = true
ExecStart = /bin/true
ExecStop = /bin/bash /scripts/MoveFilesAndStuff.sh
StandardOutput = file:/location/movestufflog.log
StandardError = file:/location/movestufflog.log
WantedBy = multi-user.target halt.target shutdown.target reboot.target
export DISPLAY=:0.0
#exec >/ location/scripttestlog.txt 2>&1
\cp -rpf /var /location
\cp -rpf /etc /location
\cp -rpf /run /location
\cp -rpf /root /location
mv /location/defaultnetcron.xml /location/defaultnet.xml
mv /location/vdsmnetcron.xml /location/vdsmnet.xml
{shutdown a vm command}