Am 08.06.21 um 15:44 schrieb Aravindhan Krishnan:
With all due respect, it would be very helpful if you can be a little
bit less snarky.
With all due respect, it would be very helpful not use reply-all and not
convert each and every response to HTML
i don't get the bash-nonsense for a handful of lines (most of them doing
nothing at all) to begin with and given that there is no "Type=" in the
unit file you may read the docs and try the different types
>> As per the man page
<>), the
default Type is simple if ExecStart is specified.
which means the prcoess is supposed to stay and not fork
i also don't get the trial-binary
why in the world don't you trhow away all that crap inlcuding the docker
container and start dhclient at your own from a trivial systemd-unit?
>> As the name indicates it is a trial or minimalistic reproduction of
the issue we are seeing. Actual issue: We have a binary, which starts,
and stop dhclient on the interface on demand (Please don't come back
complaining why you would need to start and stop dhclient on demand). In
case the binary crashes for some unforeseen reason (which I had also
mentioned in my initial mail.
this is handeled by systemd pretty fine - but not with an intermediate
script and/or binary between
why in the world don't you trhow away all that crap inlcuding the docker
container and start dhclient at your own from a trivial systemd-unit?
>> Again, in a real-world scenario we support upto 1000+ vLANs. Running
1000 different services for each of the dhclient could be too costly was
our initial assessment and thus we ran "dhclient <interface> -nw" from
the parent process. If you feel systemd can handle such higher loads,
without causing a high perf impact, it would be helpful as well
with your template service you have 1000 systemd services anyways but
throw additional load on the machine with your monitoring binary which
is monitored by systemd anyways
you gain nothing with all that wrappers
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