Reading systemd.special(7) and using systemctl show -p
After,Before,Wants,Requires ..., I tried to figure out if my following
understanding is true:
doc says:
- an active target is when the consumer pulls in the dependency (ex:
network-online.target pulled in by nfs-mountd.service)
- a passive target is when the producer pulls in the dependency (ex:
network.target pulled in by NetworkManager.service and no other units is
supposed to pull the passive unit in.
1) would it be true to consider that an active target always pulls in
some units, which is why it is ultimately called "active" : it "does"
(pull) something ? So an active unit would provide something to the
consumers and would be on the "requirement" side of dependency type.
2) would it be true to consider that a passive target never pulls in any
unit, which is why it is ultimately called "passive" as it just consists
of some provider "publishing" a check point other units can order
themselves upon ? This would be on the "ordering" side of dependeny type ?
3) regarding local-fs dans remote-fs targets : I'm not really sure if
any fits in either passive or active units.
I see that local-fs.target can be pulled in by sysinit.target and that
dracut-pre-pivot.target can pull in remote-fs.target but to me those 2
targets would rather fit the passive unit category ?
Thanks for your help
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