On 28-08-19 11:54, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 28.08.19 um 11:24 schrieb Frans de Boer:
Unnecessary use of shaming and hurting words. Although the intention was
good, systemd is - in my view - overly complex. And yes, when starting
with it, one should read the manuals at least once, as a matter of
preparation. But I also understand that one can get lost in the jungle
called systemd.
So, don't pass judgment if you have only a portion of the information.
Rather, start asking questions to get the full picture. I hate the self
righteous posture of some people, just because they */think/* they know
it all/better.
look in the archive how this guy started with systemd to get the whole
picture, his inital greeting on 2019-05-09 started with that attitude:
"I had to subscribe to this list, even though I'm no systemd fan. Still
I'll have to deal with it as the distribution we use switched to systemd..."
"Cause of the trouble (and possible reason for systemd's unpopularity)
seems to be rather arbitrary restrictions without reasoning (which is
completely against the GNU spirit of seeking for limitless software)"
systemd-devel mailing list
So, that makes it alright for you to go shaming and bashing?
--- Frans.
systemd-devel mailing list