Failed to start Apache Tomcat Web Application Container

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-- Subject: Unit tomcat.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:

this is nonsense pointing out that you are using a real old systemd (it
was removed long ago and never made any sense) - this is SYSTEMD and not
Apache Tomcat - seek for a tomcat mailing list

Am 24.07.2018 um 17:03 schrieb Mark Huggins:
> Hello All:
> I'm attempting to install Apache Tomcat 8.5.32 onto a Centos 7.5 VM via
> Chef Software. 
> My VM(s) are created and managed by VirtualBox and Vagrant. There are no
> issues creating any of the VM(s).
> What is an issue is when I execute a "kitchen converge" from the Chef
> Workstation which I have set to load the tomcat::default recipe
> (default.rb).
> From there the recipe chimes along to the point of executing the
> 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload' as noted below from the excerpt of the
> tomcat::default recipe. 
> *execute 'daemon-reload' do*
> *  command 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload'*
> *end*
> The execution within the tomcat::default recipe is to start the tomcat
> service:
> *service "tomcat" do*
> *  action :start*
> *end*
> This is where I receive the error with respect of the tomcat service
> failing but as I peel back the onion through "*systemctl status
> tomcat.service*" and "*journalctl -xe*" for details once logged into the
> VM (*kitchen login*) it appears the real issue is with the tomcat
> service remains in an "*auto-restart state*" which leads to
> "*tomcat.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1*",
> "*Failed to start Apache Tomcat Web Application Container", "Unit
> tomcat.service entered failed state" *and* "tomcat.service failed.*" 
> I believe since my *tomcat.service.erb* template is not able to create
> via the "touch" command a file called
> â??*/opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out*â??: *Permission denied* detailed from
> the "*journalctl -xe*" output. 
> For testing pursposes, I issued "*sudo
> touch **/opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out*" command on the VM that created
> the emptied file and re-ran "*kitchen converge*" from the chef
> workstation. The same results and error output occurred although the VM
> now has the â??*/opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out'* file. 
> *_Question_*: 
> Is there way to modify the template file: *tomcat.service.erb* to
> include creating â??*/opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out*' file prior to
> execution of the *'sudo systemctl daemon-reload'*command? Also, I'm
> unsure how long  the command: *'sudo systemctl daemon-reload'  *takes
> and perhaps is a causing the failed state of the tomcat.service since it
> times out?. If there's another resolution to this issue or the path I'm
> leading towards is the wrong direction, please advise.
> The instructions that I'm following can be found in an article titled:
> "*How To Install Apache Tomcat 8 on CentOS 7*"
> **
> *
> *
> *Please refer to the section: "**
>       Install Systemd Unit File"
> *
> Any assistance will be well received and I'll be extremely appreciative.
> Thank you to All!
> *See "systemctl status tomcat.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details
> *
> ================================================================================
>            Error executing action `start` on resource 'service[tomcat]'
>  ================================================================================
>            Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
>            ------------------------------------
>            Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
>            ---- Begin output of /bin/systemctl --system start tomcat ----
>            STDOUT:
>            STDERR: Job for tomcat.service failed because the control
> process exited with error code. See "systemctl status tomcat.service"
> and "journalctl -xe" for details.
>            ---- End output of /bin/systemctl --system start tomcat ----
>            Ran /bin/systemctl --system start tomcat returned 1
>            Resource Declaration:
>            ---------------------
>            # In /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/tomcat/recipes/default.rb
>            124: service "tomcat" do
>            125:   action :start
>            126: end
>            127:
>            Compiled Resource:
>            ------------------
>            # Declared in
> /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/tomcat/recipes/default.rb:124:in `from_file'
> [vagrant at tomcat-centos-75 ~]$ *sudo systemctl status tomcat.service*
> â?? tomcat.service - Apache Tomcat Web Application Container
> *   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service; disabled; vendor
> preset: disabled)*
> *   Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Tue
> 2018-07-24 13:59:08 UTC; 2s ago*
>   Process: 5999 ExecStart=/opt/tomcat/bin/ (code=exited,
> status=1/FAILURE)
> Jul 24 13:59:08
> <> systemd[1]: *tomcat.service:
> control process exited, code=exited status=1*
> Jul 24 13:59:08
> <> systemd[1]: *Failed to start
> Apache Tomcat Web Application Container.*
> Jul 24 13:59:08
> <> systemd[1]: *Unit
> tomcat.service entered failed state.*
> Jul 24 13:59:08
> <> systemd[1]: *tomcat.service
> failed.*
> [vagrant at tomcat-centos-75 ~]$
> [vagrant at tomcat-centos-75 ~]$
> [vagrant at tomcat-centos-75 ~]$* sudo journalctl -xe*
> -- The result is failed.
> Jul 24 13:59:28
> <> systemd[1]: *Unit
> tomcat.service entered failed state.*
> Jul 24 13:59:28
> <> systemd[1]: *tomcat.service
> failed*.
> Jul 24 13:59:38
> <> systemd[1]: *tomcat.service
> holdoff time over, scheduling restart.*
> Jul 24 13:59:38
> <> systemd[1]: *Starting Apache
> Tomcat Web Application Container...*
> -- Subject: Unit tomcat.service has begun start-up
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support:
> --
> -- Unit tomcat.service has begun starting up.
> Jul 24 13:59:39
> <>[6025]: *touch:
> cannot touch â??/opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.outâ??: Permission denied*
> Jul 24 13:59:39
> <> systemd[1]: *tomcat.service:
> control process exited, code=exited status=1*
> Jul 24 13:59:39
> <>[6025]: */opt/tomcat/bin/
> line 464: /opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out: Permission denied*
> Jul 24 13:59:39
> <> systemd[1]: *Failed to start
> Apache Tomcat Web Application Container.*
> -- Subject: Unit tomcat.service has failed
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support:
> --
> *-- Unit tomcat.service has failed.*
> --
> -- The result is failed.
> Jul 24 13:59:39
> <> systemd[1]: *Unit
> tomcat.service entered failed state.*
> Jul 24 13:59:39
> <> systemd[1]: *tomcat.service
> failed.*
> Jul 24 13:59:45
> <> sudo[6033]:  vagrant :
> TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/vagrant ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl -xe
> lines 2749-2772/2772 (END)

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