Hi! I'm in charge of setting up an embedded solution based on debian, so on systemd, I'm more used to old init process, that was easy to tweak because based on script... but well... times seems now on systemd. I'm really puzzled because since the documentation seems to lack information, I have to find information on tutorials that focus only on late services.. I found on one how to find the targets using "systemctl list-units --type=target" and some diagram explaining what target are suposed to be run in what order.... but well... my issue is that I've to run a script as early as possible, before mounts are done because lot of service will fail without , so I created a service [Unit] Description=mount some file systems before anything and prepare the system Before=systemd-remount-fs.service [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/etc/init.d/setup.sh start [Install] WantedBy=swap.target using journalctl I found that the first Reached point was the swap.target so it looked like a good WantedBy, but looking at the journalctl showed that the service was still not run in early systemd steps... so I added a Before rule using the "systemctl list-units --type=service" to guess what service where run on the system... and well... it's not working as expected... I still see my service run after some other services... on sysV init, it was easy to track down what would be run and assign order... here I'm puzzled because there are only partial information from tutorials and it's not clear what will be run, what is the entry point target, how to list the dependencies since some are hidden and built in... so can you help me? how can I run my service (before it was run in rcS script, so that we were sure that it was the first thing done....) thanks JLM