Hello, Is there a way to do a [Match] in .network file to match wireless AccessPoint (by Name or MAC)? The reason is I go to 2-3 companies (plus home/friend's home wifi). 2 places dont have DHCP server ON; on wifi router but asks to set pre-defined static IP. Other places have DHCP active. So my idea is to have three .network files. File: 50-wlan0-c1.network. [Match] # this is wifi adapter MAC (not AP MAC) MACAddress=00:11:22:33:44:55 AccessPointName=company1-AP-Name [Network] Address= Gateway= ===== File: 50-wlan0-c2.conf [Match] # this is wifi adapter MAC (not AP MAC) MACAddress=00:11:22:33:44:55 AccessPointMAC=company2-AP-MAC [Network] Address= Gateway= ==== # anything else on DHCP (50 processed before 51) File: 51-wlan0-dhcp.conf [Match] # this is wifi adapter MAC (not AP MAC) MACAddress=00:11:22:33:44:55 [Network] DHCP=yes This is how Android and iOS work i.e. they allow to set IP address per AP. I think Windows allows it too. (not sure though) Thanks and regards, PS: Hope I have not overlooked any existing setting or an easier way to do it. Amish.