Similarly to system units, user units are located in the following directories (ordered by ascending precedence): /usr/lib/systemd/user/ where units provided by installed packages /etc/systemd/user/ where system-wide user units are placed by the system administrator educated guess: since enable/disable is just a wish in general, use "mask" instead "disable" which pretty sure leads to symlink /etc/systemd/user/servicename.service to /den/null or just place a identuical named symlink to /dev/null there Am 15.05.2018 um 00:29 schrieb Evan Klitzke: > > I'm already familiar with how systemd user services for units in > ~/.config/systemd/user work. I recently learned about package managed > user units, which on Fedora are unit files installed by RPMs to > /usr/lib/systemd/user. > > Is it possible to disable these units? When I use "systemctl --user > disable foo.socket" the package-managed user foo.socket I disabled seems > to still be enabled when I log in