-----------------------------***----------------------------- >From the Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D.C. -----------------------------***----------------------------- The Surface Transportation Board announced today that it has made its annual determinations of revenue adequacy for the Nation's Class I freight railroads (the largest) for 2010. The Board found that one railroad, the Union Pacific Railroad Company, was revenue adequate in 2010. All other Class I freight railroads were found to be revenue inadequate for that year. A railroad is considered to be revenue adequate, under 49 U.S.C. 10704(a), if it achieves a rate of return on net investment equal to at least the current cost of capital for the railroad industry for 2010, which the Board determined to be 11.03%. Congress directed the Board to conduct such revenue adequacy determinations on an annual basis. The Board's decision in the case, Railroad Revenue Adequacy—2010 Determination, Docket No. EP 552 (Sub-No. 15)( http://www.stb.dot.gov/decisions/readingroom.nsf/WebDecisionID/41874?OpenDocument ) , can be found on the Board's website, www.stb.dot.gov. ### -----------------------------***----------------------------- If you have received this e-mail in error or wish to unsubscribe from STB News, please send an e-mail message to stbnewslistserver@xxxxxxxxxxx and place "unsubscribe stbnews" as the body of the message.