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>From the Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D.C.

The Surface Transportation Board today unanimously approved the Canadian
National Railway Company and Grand Trunk Corporation application to acquire
control of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company (EJ&E), subject to a
number of Board-imposed conditions.

 In announcing the decision, Board Chairman Charles D. Nottingham stated:

 "Approval of this important railroad merger, with the conditions we have
 imposed, marks a significant step forward in our nation's efforts to
 alleviate rail and highway congestion.  I am pleased that the Board
 agreed, in a bipartisan and unanimous manner, after an unprecedented
 public involvement process, to grant the relief that this merger will
 provide to the many Chicago neighborhoods that have been
 disproportionately burdened for many decades with severe rail
 traffic-related roadway congestion."

 In reaching its decision, the Board considered both the
 transportation-related aspects of the transaction and the potential
 environmental impacts.  In considering the transportation aspects, the
 Board found that the transaction will not result in a substantial
 lessening of competition, the creation of a monopoly, or a restraint of
 trade in freight surface transportation in any region of the United
 States.  The Board also found that any minor anticompetitive effects that
 may result will be outweighed by the overall transportation benefits of
 the transaction.

 In considering the environmental aspects of the transaction, the Board
 found that, although the transaction will result in environmental benefits
 to those living in and near Chicago, it will have adverse environmental
 impacts on communities along the EJ&E rail line.  The Board undertook an
 extensive evaluation of the environmental aspects of the applicants'
 proposal, hosting 22 public meetings over an 8-month period in the Chicago
 area.  A Draft Environment Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued and widely
 circulated in that region, and the Board received more than 9,500 public
 comments in response to the DEIS.  The Board issued a Final Environmental
 Impact Statement on December 5, 2008.

 After carefully considering the results of the environmental analysis and
 the comments raised—both pro and con—the Board imposed substantial
 environmental mitigation to minimize potential adverse environmental
 impacts of the transaction.  The mitigation includes:

 --Two highway-rail grade separation projects (and requires applicants to
 bear 67 percent of the cost of one and 78.5 percent of the cost of the

 --Cameras to monitor highway-rail crossings to assist in the timely
 response of emergency providers;

 --School and pedestrian safety measures;

 --Noise reduction measures; and

 --A 5-year environmental reporting requirement mandating applicants to
 file quarterly reports on the implementation of the Board-imposed
 environmental mitigation.

 In addition, the Board imposed a 5-year, formal oversight period, with
 applicants required to submit monthly operational reports to the Board.
 Finally, the Board's decision also requires applicants to comply with
 mandatory labor protection, with their extensive voluntary environmental
 mitigation, and with the negotiated agreements that they have entered into
 with Amtrak and communities in Illinois and Indiana containing tailored
 mitigation that applicants have agreed to provide.

 Chairman Nottingham added:

 "I commend the approximately 10,000 citizens who submitted comments to the
 Board, and I thank the Board's dedicated environmental and legal staff,
 for ensuring that this decision was made in an informed, balanced and
 expeditious manner."

 The Board issued its decision approving, with conditions, the applicants'
 acquisition of EJ&E today, December 24, 2008, in Canadian National Ry. and
 Grand Trunk Corp.—Control—EJ&E West Co., STB Finance Docket No. 35087(
 .  That decision will be published in the Federal Register and is
 available for viewing and downloading on the Board's Web site at, under "E-LIBRARY" on the home page, then under "
 Decisions & Notices," beneath the date "12/24/08."

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