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>From the Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D.C.

The Surface Transportation Board announced today that its Section of
Environmental Analysis (SEA) has issued the Final Environmental Impact
Statement (Final EIS) for the proposed acquisition by the Canadian National
Railway and Grand Trunk Corporation of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway
(EJ&E).  Issuance of the Final EIS completes SEA's environmental review
process.  Upon reviewing and considering the Final EIS, and the extensive
transportation related and environmental record developed in this case, the
Board will independently issue a final decision either denying, approving,
or approving with conditions the pending merger.  Completion of SEA's Final
EIS should not be interpreted as determinative of the Board's ultimate
final decision on the merger.

                               The Final EIS was issued today in the
                               proceeding entitled Canadian National Ry.
                               And Grand Trunk Corp.—EJ&E West Co., STB
                               Finance Docket No. 35087(
                               .  It is also available for viewing and
                               downloading via the Board's Web site at
                     , under "E-LIBRARY,"
                               then under "Decisions & Notices," beneath
                               the date "12/05/08."

                               A Fact Sheet is attached.


                               Fact Sheet

                               The Final Environmental Impact Statement
                               (Final EIS) completes the evaluation by the
                               Board's Section of Environmental Analysis
                               (SEA) of the potential environmental impacts
                               of proposed acquisition of the Elgin, Joliet
                               & Eastern Railway (EJ&E) by the Canadian
                               National Railway and Grand Trunk Corporation
                               (Applicants).  More than 9,500 comments on
                               the Draft EIS were received by SEA from
                               members of the public, agencies, elected
                               officials, organizations, businesses, and
                               other stakeholders during the 60-day comment

                               The  Final  EIS  responds to comments on the
                               Draft   EIS;   discusses  SEA's  conclusions
                               regarding potential environmental effects of
                               the   proposed   transaction;  and  reflects
                               additional  work on issues raised during the
                               Draft  EIS comment period.  Furthermore, the
                               Final   EIS   sets   forth  the  Applicants'
                               voluntary   mitigation  measures  and  SEA's
                               final        environmental        mitigation
                               recommendations  to the Board, including the
                               requirement  that the Applicants comply with
                               the  terms  of  their  negotiated agreements
                               with  the  communities  of  Joliet and Crest
                               Hill, Illinois.

                               In the Final EIS, SEA identifies both
                               potential beneficial and adverse
                               environmental effects associated with the
                               proposed transaction.  The proposed
                               acquisition would have beneficial
                               environmental effects on communities located
                               along the five CN rail lines leading into
                               and out of Chicago, including decreased
                               traffic delay, reduced noise, reduced air
                               emissions, and fewer shipments of hazardous
                               materials by rail.  Communities along the
                               EJ&E rail line, however, would experience
                               adverse effects, including increased
                               traffic, delay, noise, air emissions, and
                               the shipment of hazardous materials by rail.
                               Further, the Final EIS concludes that the
                               pre-existing conditions in communities on
                               the EJ&E rail line—that is, substantial
                               vehicular delay during peak travel times,
                               train noise, and safety risks due to the
                               high volume of cars, trucks, and current
                               freight and passenger trains—are
                               problematic.  The proposed acquisition would
                               likely exacerbate these pre-existing

                               If the Board decides to approve the proposed
                               acquisition, SEA recommends that the Board
                               require the Applicants to implement
                               Applicants' 108 Voluntary Mitigation
                               measures.   Additionally,  SEA recommends
                               imposition of 70 additional environmental
                               conditions.  A few of SEA's recommended
                               mitigation measures are highlighted below:

                               --Applicants  shall  fund 15% of the cost of
                               two  grade  separations, one at Ogden Avenue
                               near  Aurora,  Illinois,  and one at Lincoln
                               Highway in Lynwood, Illinois.

                               --Applicants  shall fund the installation of
                               CCTV  cameras to assist 13 emergency service
                               responders  in  Illinois  and  Indiana  with
                               timely response.

                               --Applicants     shall    fund    reasonable
                               improvements  to maintain the existing Quiet
                               Zone in Barrington, Illinois.

                               --Applicants   shall   establish   a   local
                               resource  agency  liaison  or  liaisons with
                               expertise   in   environmental  and  natural
                               resource  management  to  work  closely with
                               Federal,  state, and local natural and water
                               resource   agencies   to   develop  adaptive
                               natural resource management plans.

                               --Applicants  shall submit quarterly reports
                               to   SEA   documenting   its   progress   in
                               implementing  the  mitigation imposed by the
                               Board.    Applicants   shall   submit  these
                               reports  for 5 years from the effective date
                               of any final decision by the Board approving
                               this transaction.

                               As a result of the issuance of the Final
                               EIS, the record is now complete and the
                               Board is actively considering a final
                               decision under a range of alternatives.
                               While completion of the Final EIS marks a
                               significant milestone in the Board's review
                               of this pending merger, the Board Members
                               must independently consider the record and
                               develop a final decision that will
                               ultimately determine whether and under what
                               conditions the proposed merger might be

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