Surface Transportation Board Issues Notice of Intent To Prepare Environmental Impact Statement, Requests Comments on Draft Scope of Study, Plans Public Meetings on Alaska Railroad Corp. ’s Proposed Northern Rail Extension Project Between North Pole & Delta Junction, Alaska

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>From the Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D.C.

The Surface Transportation Board announced today that its Section of
Environmental Analysis (SEA) has issued a Notice of Intent (Notice) to
prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed
construction and operation by the Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC) of
approximately 80 miles of new railroad line between North Pole and Delta
Junction, Alaska.  ARRC plans to file a petition seeking STB authorization
for this proposed project.  Once filed, the case will be docketed as STB
Finance Docket No. 34658.

Because the construction and operation of this project has the potential to
result in significant environmental impacts, SEA has determined that
preparation of an EIS is appropriate.  The purpose of the Notice is to
notify the public of SEA's decision to require an EIS and to announce the
availability of the draft Scope of Study.

Interested persons and agencies are invited to participate in the EIS
scoping process. Written comments, on the draft Scope of Study and
potential environmental effects of the project, should be submitted to:

Case Control Unit
STB Finance Docket No. 34658
1925 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20423-0001

To ensure proper handling of your comments, please mark your submission:

Attention: David Navecky
Environmental Filing

Environmental comments may also be filed electronically on the STB's Web
site,, by clicking the "E-FILING" button at the top-left of
the home page.  Written comments are due January 13, 2006.  SEA will issue
a final Scope of Study after the close of the scoping comment period.

Please refer to "STB Finance Docket No. 34658" in all correspondence,
including e-filings, addressed to the agency.

In addition, SEA will hold three public meetings to receive comments on the
scope of environmental issues for the EIS.  SEA will host the scoping
meetings at the following dates, times and locations:

Meeting 1: December 6, 2005, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the City Council
125 Snowman Lane, North Pole, Alaska

Meeting 2:  December 7, 2005, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Jarvis West
Building, Mile 1420.5     Alaska Highway, Delta Junction, Alaska

Meeting 3:  December 8, 2005, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Lousaac Library
Public Conference
Room, 3600 Denali Street, Anchorage, Alaska

The public scoping meetings will be informal meetings in a workshop format
during which interested persons may ask questions about the proposal and
the STB's environmental- review process, and advise the agency's
representative attending about potential environmental effects of the
project.  There will be no formal presentations made by agency
representatives.  Rather, STB staff will be available to answer questions
and receive comments individually.

The meeting locations comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Persons needing special accommodations, and parties interested in further
information about this case should telephone the Board's toll-free hotline
for this project at 1-800-359-5142.

The Notice and draft Scope of Study issued today in STB Finance Docket No.
34658, is available for viewing and downloading via the agency's Web site,
at, by clicking on this hotlink: STB Finance Docket
No. 34658 (alternatively, users may access the draft Scope of Study by
clicking the "E-Library" button on the home page; then the "Decisions &
Notices" selection on the dropdown that will appear; then, when the next
page appears, under "11/01/2005," click the case abbreviation, "FD 34658
0").  A printed copy of the document is available for a fee by contacting
ASAP Document Solutions, 9332 Annapolis Road, Suite 103, Lanham, MD 20706,
telephone 202-306-4004, or via asapdc@xxxxxxxxxxxx  A fact sheet containing
more information about this project and the environmental-review process is



Fact Sheet

The Alaska Railroad Corporation Proposed Construction and Operation Between
North Pole and Delta Junction, Alaska, STB Finance Docket No. 34658

Background:  The proposed Northern Rail Extension Project includes
construction of approximately 80 miles of new rail line connecting the
existing rail line near Eielson AFB near North Pole, Alaska to a point near
Fort Greely and the Donnelly Training Area near Delta Junction,
Alaska.  The proposed project could also include the construction of a
15-mile spur line from Flag Hill to the Blair Lakes Military Training
Area.  As a result of this project, the U.S. Army would have year round
access to the Tanana Flats and Donnelly training areas and all the major
military installations in Alaska would be accessible by rail through Fort
Greely.  The Surface Transportation Board’s Section of Environmental
Analysis (SEA) will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that
analyzes the potential impacts of the proposed route, the “no-build”
alternative, and possible alternative routes.

Environmental Review Process:  The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
process is intended to assist the Board and the public in identifying and
assessing the potential environmental consequences of a proposed action
before a decision on the proposed action is made.  SEA is responsible for
ensuring that the Board complies with NEPA and related environmental
statutes.  The first stage of the EIS process is scoping.  Scoping is an
open process for determining the scope of environmental issues to be
addressed in the EIS.  As part of the scoping process, SEA has developed,
and is making available for public review and comment in today’s notice, a
draft Scope of Study for the EIS.  Concurrently, scoping meetings will be
held to provide further opportunities for public involvement and input
during the scoping process.  At the conclusion of the scoping and comment
period, SEA will issue a final Scope of Study for the EIS.

After issuing the final Scope of Study, SEA will prepare a Draft EIS (DEIS)
for the project.  The DEIS will address those environmental issues and
concerns identified during the scoping process.  It will also contain SEA’s
preliminary recommendations for environmental mitigation measures.  The
DEIS will be made available upon its completion for review and comment by
the public, government agencies, and other interested parties.  SEA then
will prepare a Final EIS (FEIS) that considers comments on the DEIS.  In
reaching its decision in this case, the Board will take into account the
DEIS, the FEIS, and all environmental comments that are received.

SEA has recently invited several other Federal agencies to participate in
this EIS process as cooperating agencies on the basis their special
expertise or jurisdiction by law.  These agencies include:  U.S. Department
of Defense, Alaskan Command; U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Army Garrison
– Alaska; U.S. Department of Defense, 354th Fighter Wing Command; U.S. Army
Engineers District – Alaska; U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land
Management – Northern Field Office; U.S. Coast Guard, Seventeenth Coast
Guard District; U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad
Administration; and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit
Administration – Region 10.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Navecky, Section of Environmental
Analysis, Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street, NW, Washington, DC
20423-0001, or call SEA’s toll-free number for the project at
1-800-359-5142.  Assistance for the hearing impaired is available through
the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.  The
website for the Surface Transportation Board is


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