Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: rockchip: change eth phy mode to rgmii-id for orangepi r1 plus lts

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> >  &gmac2io {
> >  	phy-handle = <&yt8531c>;
> > -	tx_delay = <0x19>;
> > -	rx_delay = <0x05>;
> > +	phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
> Shouldn't the "tx_delay" and "rx_delay" DT parameters be converted
> into the "tx-internal-delay-ps" and "rx-internal-delay-ps" parameters,
> respectively, so the Motorcomm PHY driver can pick them up and
> actually configure the internal PHY delays?


One problem is that tx_delay and rx_delay are really bad DT
bindings. They are basically values to be poked into a registers, with
no explanation of what they mean. Maybe 0x19 means 2ns? If so, that is
exactly what the PHY will do with rgmii-id, and you don't need any
additional properties.

The fact testing suggests this works does suggest these delay values
are around 2ns, so there is probably no need for

In general, i always suggest the PHY does the delay, just so that we
try to make all boards act in the same way. The fact this also removes
the use of these terrible tx_delay and rx_delay makes this patch even
better, if it can be shown to be reliable.


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