Il 03/10/23 14:45, Sasha Levin ha scritto:
On Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 01:13:42PM +0200, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno wrote:
Hello SoC maintainers,
As suggested by Arnd in [1], I am sending an update to the MAINTAINERS
file, adding myself to the MediaTek SoC maintainers, and some urgent
bugfixes for MediaTek devicetrees.
Just curious: if it's urgent, and there are patches cc'ed to stable, why
wait for 6.7 rather than one of the 6.6 -rc cycles?
I may have misunderstood what Arnd said - in that case, I'm sorry.
As for the fixes, I would be happier if those could land in v6.6-rcX.