I see that some weeks ago a driver for phy dp83td510e from TI (https://www.ti.com/product/DP83TD510E). I see that it's really different from the Linux driver supplied by TI on its official repo https://git.ti.com/gitweb?p=ti-analog-linux-kernel/dmurphy-analog.git;a=commit;h=fefa908e4e3262455a0cec08f3bb7161d7792d02 As an example, TI writes some undocumented register for version 1.0 of the PHY. Should I forget about the TI driver? Or is there something that should be integrated in https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/net/phy/dp83td510.c ? Thanks